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3 Tips On Facing Adversity 

"I can't change the direction of the wind, but I can adjust my sails to always reach my destination". -Jimmy Dean

Adversity is inevitable, problems, large and small, present themselves to us throughout our whole existence. Regardless of how sharp, clever, or happy we are, we will encounter struggle, challenges, difficulties and at times, heart wrenching moments.

It is how you overcome these adversities that can make all the difference.

Difficulties or losses don't have to keep you from achieving your intended goals and finding happiness again.

Follow these tips on facing adversity to help you spring back into your daily routine when hit with a bump in the road.

1. Be aware of, and accept that adversity is inevitable in life. 

It's easy to think 'why me?', 'I'm a good person I shouldn't be getting these challenges', but it's important to know that no matter who you are, we all face problems in life. Life is a continuous road of small and big problems.

Once we are aware that challenges are inevitable, we know we have two choices only; we can let it consume us, or we can face it head on in order to move forward and find solutions. The moment we gain control in our lives, we are able to see that life is happening for us, not to us. 

2. Build your resources. 

One of the smartest things you’ll ever do in facing any adversity is to ask yourself, “Who else may have had this problem, and what did they do?” Ask around. Don’t be afraid to admit that you’re in a bind. If you made a mistake, or dropped the ball and found yourself in a difficult situation, don’t be afraid to go to someone and admit that you need help. You’ll be amazed at the valuable advice that you can get from someone who has already experienced the difficulty that you’re going through.

Keep your friends and family close, as loving support is a major factor that contributes to overcoming adversity constructively. 

3. Don't lose track of your goal.

It's easy to want to give up or second guess the direction you were going before the challenge. Try not to lose sight of what you love doing in life and where you want to go. A challenge or adversity should be used as a tool to either show us we need to make some adjustments to our journey or it could test us to show us how much we are willing to sacrifice for our goal. Whatever it is, once we learn to accept adversity and understand that we have a choice in dealing with it, we can take the necessary steps to get back on track and keep pushing forward.

In dealing with adversity, perhaps one of the most important positive affirmations you can remember is this: “This, too, shall pass.” Whatever it is, however difficult it may appear, say to yourself, “This, too, shall pass.”

With love,

Jacqui Zdravkovski